Hello, welcome TongLing TianHai Flow Control Co.,Ltd. Official Сайт!

Наши Контакты
(TongLing TianHai Flow Control Co.,Ltd.
Телефон:0562 - 6820727
Address:Tonling Lioshan High Technology District, Dongjing East Road, 1999 
R & D Building Completed.

  Committed to the product development of water supply and drainage in flow control, Tianhai company vigorously increase new product research and development, and provide professional services for peers, aiming at becoming one of the best companies with core competitiveness and high-quality supporting services within 2-3 years.

In August of 2017, in order to achieve the development goal and provide technical support on R&D of new products and high-quality supporting services for valve peers, Tianhai established the Research Center of Water supply and drainage control Equipment and Integrated system Engineering Technology. 

Construction time: From August 2017 to May 2019, totally 22 months.